

Robotization: Boon or Bane?

Human resources, natural resources and technology are the three major means for any nation to ensure productivity and achieve a progressively growing status of economy. The people of the country will prosper with sustained development. Despite, all knowledge and wisdom in ‘management’, the issue of poverty is not resolved. Dias and Mills (2005, p. 2) state that, “… Poverty is a call to action – for the poor and the wealthy alike – a call to change the world so that many more may have enough to eat, adequate shelter, access to education and health, protection from violence, and a voice in what happens in their communities.”

Poverty is reflected in insufficiencies of ‘food, clothing, shelter’ and education and employment. The World Bank’s PovertyNet program sums up the definition of poverty as, “Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom.” Consequently, society and nation as a whole becomes divided into two classes: HAVEs and HAVE-NOTs. The poor are the weak link in social and national structure. AND, the strength of any chain is equal to the strength of its weakest link. The truth is applicable to the global economic environment.

Robotics is the technology which reduces/replaces human involvement/participation in any economic activity, in a variety of fields in production/processes/conveniences and comforts. Machines replace Man. Albus (2007, p. 2) asks, “When there is so much potential capacity for wealth production, and so many potential customers, why are so many still poor? …” The answer is obvious: we have failed to adopt an adequate/ideal mix of human capital and technology.

Humans have invented technology to ensure productivity and progress. IF, technology (robotization) favors some ‘select’ humans to be rich, affluent and happy; and have left other ‘unfortunates’ deprived and forsaken; what shall we say? Is robotization a boon or bane, blessing or a curse?

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