

Main Steps in Your Social Recruiting Strategy

Everything should have its own consistency and logic. That is why we decided to talk about nine common mistakes of social recruiting.

Lack of strategy

How is the strategy of social recruiting? Thoroughly and consistently. Can I give you a template? You have to understand who your audience is. Her needs, age, the specifics of the job, specifics of. Need to find the channels you will use to communicate with your candidates. Rather, to determine the social networks you will use. Instagram to search for candidates in the marketing Department, for example, it, and LinkedIn for management, and so on. It all can vary and the best you can do is to try different Canada and choose you.

You have to understand who you are and who you want to be in the eyes of your target audience. What is the image you need to create and in what ways? For example, to publish information about employees of the company, and can be about facts about the development of the field data study. Ideas can be many.

Start to communicate regularly with the audience

Refusal LinkedIn. Even not call it a “failure”, and using only part of the available features — undervalued social network continues to amaze us. LinkedIn may just be the real platform for talent search. Okay, even if a recruiter views a candidate profile on LinkedIn is often overlooked by his network of contacts groups, where it is — but it also can be “calls”.

Full immersion. Totally different “pole” — the rejection of the traditional tools of recruiting and trying to only use the social network, for example. Neither the village on FB or LinkedIn page full of information about the professional characteristics and skills cannot give. For this, there is a summary with a wonderful “experience”.

Poor organization of time

This, of course, the universal mistake of all and Sundry, but from the point of view of recruitment there is one downside to the statistics of the social network eat a lot of time, because the search is difficult. We already told you about how to focus on key words when searching, or Vice versa, how to engage in a process of passive candidates.

By the way, the solution to this problem we have:

  • The top of the form.
  • Subscribe and become the first user of the tool that will do search candidates on LinkedIn more efficiently.

No content. If you publish exclusively jobs that appear once a week, the involvement of users and the visibility of your hr. brand will tend to zero. That is why you should think about how to shape the content. To do this is to make a content plan — just in everyone’s favorite Excel it can be, done. Articles about the development of the area. The facts of the research, the stories of the staff (even 2-3 sentences will be enough), photos of the office and so on — it just seems complicated, but really, if you have a plan — you’ll know when your potential candidates and employees often share the content which they like, then everything will fall into the rails.

Ignoring passive candidates. This is a significant mistake, because even if the candidate of your dreams (and this probably has a). Already occupied at some location, the probability that sooner or later he will want to change jobs or, more likely, to know what in General it is possible — he will search, he will be interested in corporate culture, it will attract interesting problems (interesting fact — the passive candidates in Russia prefer interesting tasks great salary!). And you just this and can tell on his page. Engage your audience even passive — surely, you can convince her to become active. Well, at least several!

Rejection of the aesthetic component

We noticed that in the Western practice, in large companies. There are two types of illustrations. They use:

  • Image with overlay of brand elements (logo etc.) — smiling people, office space, Desk. Pretty, standard illustrations that are often. Used for formal publications like articles, statistics and so on.
  • Photos of employees, trainees — it looks great and lively. And this is because good candidates are attracted because it is something real, increases loyalty to the brand.

So what makes such a conclusion: not everything has to be glossy, it does not need — so just in reality does not happen and we all know that. But the place is beautiful photo, pleasant to the eye and repost the illustrations and the corporate identity is. A conservative approach to the selection of social networks. The fact that the search is not limited only to known social networks. Surprisingly, there are new and also it is necessary to use. For example, Snapchat — Yes, sometimes it floated, and quite active in the Western practice is providing direct online access to events online (and now for this there are the Periscope), the company also cooperate with advanced users of programs that promote the brand, ask employees to talk about work in the company with it, and so on. And it works. So every time you need to look for new channels to attract candidates.

Avoiding the use of Analytics

You will not be able to form a strategy using analytical tools — how to react to the user, at which time more will repost and so on. The metric will allow you to make your campaign effective and of high quality. The tools are here.

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