

Make Your Job Vacancy Easy to Find

All the jobs are, created with only one purpose: to see their candidates responded and wanted to work with your team. We are looking for the right time to posting, try to deal with the groups in which jobs go well, get enough reactions and everything is cool and right. But we forget about one important detail: you need to make it so that your job offer was easy to find. And there’s the concept of SEO — search engine optimization, that is optimization of a text to facilitate search capabilities.

Create jobs

“Right” and “wrong” words. Well, first, we have to break up with words that no longer attract candidates. About them, we already wrote – super-Pro, ninja, rock star, Evangelist, guru, supporter, God *marketing or something else*. Of course, sometimes it seems that it is a great idea — a little fun to your vacancy. But when candidates scroll through such a description, it seems that for big words rather trying to hide the tedious and boring work.

How to find and use the right words? And there are tools for this like Key Word Tool or Google AdWords. Here you can analyze the keywords and find the ones that will help you to do your job, “possible”. Make a list of important words and their synonyms, which reflect the content of jobs, requirements. Include them in the text of the vacancy.

Name and location

Your CV should consist of approximately 500 words. No more. Come up with hashtags; specify the name of the position jobs multiple times, if possible. Do not forget to always. Specify the location in the title of the vacancy. Then mention it in the text in the first paragraph (!). Then if a candidate will search for the pattern *the position is N in the city of M*, it probably will.

The tagging

You have created a vacancy, which is. Designed for certain people. For example, “work for…” — you can add such tags using a comma at the end of your jobs and be careful and selective, it may not look very pretty. Can also put the tags of the company, or the tags for the classification of vacancies is common in your area. Do not forget to Google trends that your job was always in the top.

Promotion and publication

Here, of course, has its own peculiarities. Published jobs, you must provide interesting content to spread faster. And be sure to use photos and videos because they attract attention. The more sources for publication, you will find, the greater the likelihood that your job will be easy to find.

Now we will tell about where and how to publish publication on other sources:

  • Publishing vacancies on your career website.
  • If you do not, just think about how to create it to get feedback, to distribute jobs, along with the company’s values, to create profile small, which will allow you to make HR brand for sustainable, interesting, increase loyalty to your company.

Publication of vacancies on job sites is fine. We have shared our thoughts with you that job boards will soon disappear, giving way to career sites and other platforms, and also specialized resources that these job boards will be built. But as long as you continue to submit your jobs, advice, we also can do simple jobs, be sure to add a company description, logo, and fix the position several times. And try to share the most useful information about the work, to job sites jokes rolled rare. Publication of vacancies on the forums or somewhere else — I wonder.

Remember our list of interesting resources. Where you can look for professionals? You can try to publish vacancies, engaging in dialogue on the forums, or answering a question on The Question, for example. Publication of vacancies in social networks — sure.

For social media are all of the same rules. Only here be sure-we certainly need to add media content. At least create an illustration job — there is a simple service Dream post. The ideal scenario in this case: publication of vacancies in their career the group, support its content with tips, facts, stories about the company, with the subsequent repost in other groups — theme, University, groups to jobs. The more times it will be duplicated, the greater the likelihood that the candidate will be able to find it on search queries (which your entry will be indexed by search engines).

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